Friday, March 02, 2007


I didn't mean to stay away for this long. Things have been anything but normal these last few weeks.

Colorado was fun. It seems like so long ago . . . We put in one day of riding at Beaver Creek and two days at Keystone. I got to see a moose, spent a few hours in the hot tub, and spent zero hours thinking about work. How's that for a vacation?? If I can ever get Blogger to post pictures for me again, I'm pretty sure I have a few good ones.

I was away for most of last week to attend a funeral. I spent a great deal of time thinking about how people really only see us from one or two narrow angles. Even the people that we love most and are closest to us only ever know us in one or two different ways. People we work with might remember someone for brown-bagging lunch every day, but people we live with remember cutting the crusts off sandwiches, or their favorite brand of yogurt. At the funeral it was interesting to talk to different people who remember such different things, or have a new perspective.

These last two or three weeks I have had zero inspiration to work out. I think it started when we had the string of bitter cold weather, it just wasn't fun to even think about leaving the house. But, it must be more than that because here it is, 9:30, and I'm procrastinating. I know I should run today because I don't know what my workouts this weekend will be like, but I REALLY don't want to get up and go. I'm going to have to find something to inspire me soon.

I think part of the reason I'm dragging my feet is that I've been having serious food issues in the last month. My "diet" has gone to crap, CRAP I tell you. I don't know why it is, but when I feel like I'm starting to gain weight, I workout less. On my skinny days, I have all the motivation in the world. So, now I just need to figure out how to have skinny days all the time.

Okay, I'm going to go and lace up my shoes now (I hope). I'm just really not fun to be around right about now. Blah.


Blogger Duane said...

Don't you just hate when we screw up on the food! My trainer eats perfect almost always and he can't relate to why I have "food issues", but I do. Gotta just keep on plugging away! Glad you laced up!

9:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I"M GLAD I FOUND YOU??? how did i ever not find you (online that is!)

hope you are well!

2:32 PM

Blogger erin said...


4:29 PM


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