Friday, January 19, 2007

Playing the Blame Game

I spent a lot of time this week thinking about BLAME and the energy that we spend on blame. Think about all the time you spend blaming traffic, work, weather, god, family, food or anything else that regularly crosses your mind. And the mental drain that all that causes. I can feel myself sometimes just giving up because its easier to just say "I can't do this because of this roadblock."

One of the things that I would like to change about my way of thinking is to stop focusing on blame and spend more time focusing on the solution. This is so much easier when it comes to work. Some of the things that I've come up with so far . . . instead of griping about weak ankles and leg pain, I spent the money to get orthotics. I think $200 is worth it. Instead of bitching about having no energy when I get home, I'm going to try and bring my own lunch and snacks. So, that's the new change in my outlook.

Its a little late to be posting my weekly update from last week, but here it is:

Swim: 2:30, 4.5 miles
Bike: 5:30, 95.8 miles
Run: 2:00, 15 miles
Weights: 1:00
Total Time: 11:00

Not bad for week 2. This week has been a bit of a rest week. I'm trying to finish some things that I promised for other people before "real" training kicks in, then there's the projects around the house. I love completing projects, then taking a step back. I'm still amazed sometimes that I own a house!

Lonely weekend for me - Ryan is back in Ohio. I'm catching up with Mark and Kristin tonight. I'm so happy she's going to be part of the family. I still feel so intimidated by them sometimes. She's one of those people that you want to be - friendly, outgoing, good listener, energetic, and just cool. Two girls from the bike team are going to be in town for a photo shoot and I'll try and meet up with them Saturday for some girl-time.


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