Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Staying in the spirit of the holiday, here's my list of things that I'm thankful for:

-Having enough family to get two invites for Thanksgiving dinner.
-Time off from work to relax and celebrate.
-Getting to cook my first Thanksgiving dinner.
-Ryan - who is incredible and loving and wonderful.

-My health.
-A job that (for the most part) makes me happy.
-My go-fast bike.
-Ginger and garlic.
-Good wine and good friends.
-The Alps.
-Plans for an action-packed summer.
-Lake Michigan.
-John Irving.
-Not being in Peru over the holidays (sorry Alyssa).
-An extended family that's growing.
-The rabbit in my backyard.
-Having a goofy sense of humor.
-Darren Aronofsky.
-Law & Order.
-Clinton & Stacy.
-Michigan football.
-A willing-to-try-anything-once attitude.

I feel bad that this list is all I could come up with, but I have a long list of things to accomplish on my day off and blogging is just one of them.


Blogger Trisaratops said...

Hey there! Great list of things to be Thankful for!

In response to your comment on my blog, my triathlon club has 20 spots reserved for I got one of those. An extra bonus means I can waive the registration fee for online, and don't have to pay now, but can pay in February! Sweet.

Hope to see you there! Last I heard registration opens online December 1.

7:02 PM


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